
Tauba Auerbach's work comes alive at the intersections of art, mathematics, and physics, challenging perceptions with her intricate patterns and transformative visual experiences. If you’re looking for Tauba Auerbach original prints and editions for sale or would like to sell, request a complimentary valuation and browse our network’s most in-demand works.

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Born in 1981 in San Francisco, Tauba Auerbach's artistic lineage traces back to her formative years where she was intrigued by both the disciplines of art and science. Graduating from Stanford University with a degree in Visual Arts, her early career fused these dual passions, manifesting in artworks that oscillate between order and chaos.

Auerbach’s oeuvre spans a range of mediums, from painting and sculpture to book design. Regardless of the medium, a consistent theme emerges: an exploration of the boundaries of perception and the nature of dimensions. Many of her works, such as the Fold series, play with the viewer's sense of depth and perspective, turning the two-dimensional into something that feels alive and three-dimensional.

A groundbreaking aspect of Auerbach’s work is her focus on topology, a branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space that are preserved under continuous transformations. Through her art, she gives visual form to complex ideas like the Möbius strip and other non-Euclidean geometries. In her Weave paintings, Auerbach manipulates the canvas itself, twisting and folding it before applying paint, creating a visual dialogue between the flatness of the medium and the sculptural quality of the surface.

Auerbach's venture, Diagonal Press, further underscores her ambition to bridge seemingly disparate domains. Through this initiative, she crafts not just visual experiences but tactile ones, allowing audiences to physically engage with the fruits of her creative experimentation. These limited-edition pieces are not mere commodities but tactile portals into Auerbach's world, where the tactile nature of the items amplifies the themes she explores. By transmuting high-level concepts into tangible artefacts, Auerbach does more than simplify; she revolutionises. Her work becomes a catalyst, urging viewers to reconceive what's possible, redefining the borders between the real, the abstract, and the realms of imagination.

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