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Auction Watch June 2024: Art Market Dynamics, Bridget Riley's Auction Record, and Prints & Editions

June Art Market Dynamics: Bridget Riley's Auction Record, Damien Hirst's Prints, and Prints & Editions Watch.

During the podcast, Sheena Carrington & Jasper Tordoff get together to discuss various topics related to the art market dynamics in the month of June. Sheena Carrington mentioned that June is an important month for the art market as it marks the end of the first half of the year's sales. She also mentioned the impact of Christie's cyber attacks and the influence of print sales, as well as the Art Basel exhibition in Switzerland. Jasper Tordoff, a sales specialist, joined the discussion and shared his expertise on artists like David Hockney, Bridget Riley, Damien Hirst, and others. They discussed the recent Phillips auction, where a work by Bridget Riley set an auction record for any print by the artist. They also discussed the performance of Damien Hirst's "The Virtues" prints and the overall state-of-the-art market. They mentioned the recent Bonham's auction, which had a poor sell-through rate, and discussed the correlation between the performance of Hockney's originals and prints in the market. They also mentioned upcoming Hockney prints that will be featured in the end-of-month June auctions.

Last updated7 November 2024
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Joe Syer

Joe Syer

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