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De Dames

Bernard Buffet's Jeux De Dames series, created in 1970, comprises ten lithographs that depict intimate moments from a sexual encounter between two women in a bedroom setting. The series offers a glimpse into Buffet's exploration of human relationships and sexuality, characterised by his signature style of austere figurative depictions. Through bold lines and a muted palette, Buffet captures the tension and intimacy of the scene, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of desire and connection.

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Meaning & Analysis

Bernard Buffet's Jeux De Dames series is a provocative exploration of human intimacy and desire. Created in 1970, these lithographs offer a voyeuristic glimpse into ten moments from a sexual encounter between two women in a bedroom.

In each print of the series, Buffet employs bold lines and a restrained palette to depict the intimate moments between the two figures. The stark contrast between light and shadow adds to the sense of drama and tension, while the angular compositions and spiky black outlines convey a sense of urgency and intensity.

The series explores themes of sexuality, desire, and human relationships, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of intimacy and connection. Buffet's use of symbolic imagery, such as the women's heeled boots, signifying femininity, sexuality and power. Buffet's Jeux De Dames series is characterised by its controversy, voyeurism and intimacy.