
Cy Twombly's Sketches series comprises six etchings, titled Sketches A through to Sketches F. Created in 1975, this series encapsulates Twombly’s signature style, which merges calligraphic scribbles with abstract forms. Each print in the series represents a distinct exploration of form and emotion, expressed through Twombly's characteristic loose, gestural lines.

Cy Twombly Sketches for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

The Sketches series by Cy Twombly is a vivid portrayal of his roots in Abstract Expressionism blended with influences from graffiti and calligraphy. Each work in the series functions as a visual diary that captures moments of spontaneous artistic impulse. Twombly's approach in these works is deeply introspective, using the canvas as a site of emotional expression where each mark and scribble holds significance.

The series is marked by a liberal use of space and a minimalistic colour palette, often focusing on one or two dominant hues against a stark background. This simplicity in colour underscores the intricacy of the lines and marks that foreground each piece. In Sketches A and Sketches B, the fluidity of the lines conjures a sense of motion, suggesting a narrative unfolding across the canvas.

Twombly’s technique involves layering and scratching, where the physicality of his artistic process is central. The textures are built up through layers of etching, imbuing the works with a tactile quality that invites the viewer to experience the artwork beyond its visual qualities, engaging with the artist’s physical creative process.