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Produced in 1973, Présences Fugaces by Jean Dubuffet is a vibrant series of screenprints that embodies the artist’s exploration into the realm of fleeting presences. Each artwork in this collection, including Protestator, Exaltador, and Objectador, showcases Dubuffet’s energetic style and philosophical engagement.

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Meaning & Analysis

Jean Dubuffet’s Présences Fugaces, created in 1973, marks a significant phase in the artist’s career, characterised by his interest in spontaneous and ephemeral human expressions. Known for pioneering the Art Brut movement, Dubuffet’s screenprints in this series capture the essence of fleeting moments and fleeting characters.

The artworks, such as Denagator and Celebrator, portray abstracted figures, deconstructed into interlocking irregular, precisely outlined shapes that embody Dubuffet’s interest in the raw, unrefined aspects of human existence. Through bold lines, vibrant colors, and dynamic compositions, Dubuffet conveys a sense of immediacy and urgency in each print.

Epiphanor and other prints from Présences Fugaces exemplify Dubuffet’s unconventional approach to printmaking, where he blends spontaneity with meticulous precision. The series reflects his philosophical musings on the transient nature of human emotions.