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Le Christ Horloge - Signed Print by Marc Chagall 1957 - MyArtBroker

Le Christ Horloge
Signed Print

Marc Chagall

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AAGR (5 years) This estimate blends recent public auction records with our own private sale data and network demand.

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Medium: Lithograph

Edition size: 90

Year: 1957

Size: H 25cm x W 22cm

Signed: Yes

Format: Signed Print


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The value of Marc Chagall’s Le Christ Horloge, a signed lithograph from 1957, is estimated to be worth between £2,850 and £4,300. This work has shown consistent value growth, with an auction history of four sales since its entry to the market in May 2007. Over the past five years, the hammer price has ranged from £2,427 in December 2020 to £2,724 in September 2020. The average annual growth rate of this work is 4% and the edition size is limited to 90.

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Auction Results

Auction DateAuction HouseArtwork
Hammer Price
Return to Seller
Buyer Paid
Lempertz, Cologne - GermanyLe Christ Horloge - Signed Print
December 2020Freeman's - United StatesLe Christ Horloge - Signed Print
September 2020Bonhams Los Angeles - United StatesLe Christ Horloge - Signed Print
February 2015A.N. Abell Auction Company - United StatesLe Christ Horloge - Signed Print
May 2007Doyle New York - United StatesLe Christ Horloge - Signed Print

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