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Peter Blake's The Wrestlers series, created in 1972, comprises five dynamic screenprints on paper, each showcasing a unique wrestler persona. From Ebony Tarzan to Pretty Boy Michael Angelo, Blake's prints capture the flamboyance and theatricality of professional wrestling, presenting a colourful array of characters that embody the celebrity culture and spirit of the sport.

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Meaning & Analysis

The Wrestlers series by Peter Blake offers a fascinating exploration of the world of professional wrestling, a spectacle known for its camp characters and dramatic performances. Through his screenprints, Blake celebrates the diversity and spectacle of the sport, depicting wrestlers in vibrant costumes and dynamic poses.

Each artwork in the series is meticulously crafted, showcasing Blake's mastery of colour and composition. From the commanding presence of Red Power to the enigmatic allure of The Tuareg, Blake captures the essence of each wrestler's persona, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the theatricality of the ring.

Moreover, The Wrestlers series reflects Blake's ongoing fascination with popular culture and its iconography. By depicting wrestlers as heroic figures, Blake elevates them to the status of cultural icons, highlighting the influence of mass media and entertainment on contemporary society.