0% Sellers Fees on Yayoi Kusama Prints


Using a neon palette, this collection of Yayoi Kusama’s screen-prints features aquatic life— from goldfish bowl to the sea. Her depictions of oceanic creatures showcase her awe of nature, and its abundance of intricate forms and textures, seen particularly in Shells, an array of natural variety in mollusc form.

Yayoi Kusama Sea Creatures for sale

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Meaning & Analysis

In Kusama’s Sea Creature prints, largely produced in 1989, an array of neon, polka-dotted sea creatures is scattered naturalistically on an Infinity Nets style backgrounds. Her depictions of oceanic creatures showcase her awe of nature, and its abundance of intricate forms and textures, seen particularly in Shells, an array of natural variety in mollusc form.

While Yayoi Kusama believes strongly in the power of individuality, her fascination with multiplicity—reflected here in the collection of different species—expresses her spiritual belief in the interconnectedness of all things, in a cosmos with its own organic pattern or scheme. In other words, this oceanic display of natural variety simultaneously attests to Kusama’s wonder at the beautiful inventions of mother nature, and reminds of her statement, that earth is ‘only one polka dot […] in the cosmos’.

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