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Commissioned for the Royal Academy’s 2018 Summer Exhibition, the prints and lithograph by British artist collected here attest to Perry’s multifaceted practice, which ranges from art-making to curating, and to his esteemed position within the art world.

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Meaning & Analysis

One of the leading and most well-known British artists, Grayson Perry is notable for his works with tapestries and ceramics, mediums that had been dismissed in art history as craft movements and that the artist has brought to the fore of contemporary artistic discourses and attention. However, the artist is also known for the variety of media he engages with, and has been seen to operate with metalwork, as in the collection Medal, as well as with printmaking. The prints and lithograph included in the Summer Exhibition collection best attest to Perry’s ceaseless inventiveness, but mostly to his multifaceted practice, which ranges from art-making to curating, and to his esteemed position within the art world.